Grow your web design business faster and stress-free.

Individualized mentoring for freelance web designers building a full-time business.

More income
Less stress
Better clients
Stronger skillset

Does this sound like you?

You’re past the “brand new business” stage. You’ve designed websites for clients and brought your first projects to completion. Now you’re ready to level up. But you’re hitting roadblocks.

You’re working long days for little return.

You started your business for more control over your time, but now you work even more and rarely take time off.

You have a hard time finding ideal clients.

The clients you meet seem to always want free work, discounts, or a whole website in a week.

You’re still uncomfortable with sales calls.

You spend the entire day dreading the call and hoping pricing never comes up.

You feel like things have gotten stagnant.

Either you’re stuck on the same level of monthly income or you feel that your growth as a designer has stalled.

You wake up with anxiety about your work.

Tight chest, tense jaw — you have all the symptoms and no amount of meditation or journaling helps.

You’re dealing with cycles of extreme highs and lows.

It seems like you’re always either working 60 hour weeks or struggling to find work at all.

You want a full-time web design business without the full-time stress of growing it.

I understand because I wanted the same thing. Now that I’ve built it, I help emerging web designers like you build yours.

I know what it’s like

I’ve been the new freelancer who didn’t know how to position my business. I’ve spent months working long nights and weekends for low-budget projects, struggling to make things work.

I’ve built and closed a business that didn’t serve me, and started again from scratch. Now I consistently hit my income goal building websites for clients I enjoy working with.

After shutting down my first creative business, I scaled my next to over $100K in yearly revenue within 3 years.

A decade of experience in the creative industry has taught me invaluable lessons about client acquisition, marketing, sales, and most importantly, dealing with stress.

Grow your web design business faster and stress-free.

Individualized mentoring for freelance web designers building a full-time business.

Web design mentoring for freelancers.

Grow your business fast and sustainably with a mentor on standby, ready to answer every question as it comes up. Here’s what you can expect over our 8 weeks together.

👨‍🏫  Small group mentoring

Weekly mentoring calls and Q&As help you get over the roadblocks you’re facing at this stage of your business.

I lead small cohorts with a handful of designers to make the best use of your time. You won’t be 1 in a group of 100. Your questions will always get answered.

🛟  1:1 support

Some questions or problems can’t wait until the weekly call. Get support on what you need when you need it.

Send me a message whenever you need help and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can (often the same day) with a text or Loom video.

🔄  Design feedback

Be confident in the work you’re sending to clients. Get helpful feedback on your design through Figma.

Design is subjective, but as a Flux Academy challenge winner and Webflow Expert, I’m happy to lend a second opinion and new perspective when you’re stuck.

The support you need with a community of peers.

This program is intentionally flexible and built with your needs in mind.

🤨  Instead of…

  • a prescribed curriculum.
  • newbie-level questions consuming Q&A time.
  • outdated advice from a full-time coach.
  • generic course materials and time-intensive homework.
  • unsustainable “scale at all costs” advice.
  • a long-term, low-value commitment.

✅  You get...

  • dedicated time to solve real problems as they come up in your business.
  • to troubleshoot with a cohort of peers who share your obstacles and goals.
  • mentorship from someone still making over 90% of their income building websites.
  • focused support on exactly what you need to eliminate problems, not add them.
  • guidance on building a business that supports your goals and lifestyle.
  • intensive support that makes a real difference within 2 months, guaranteed.*

* Earn your investment back with design work within 2 months, or receive 1:1 support from me.

I found it super helpful to take a look into Matthias' marketing, sales, and project management processes.

“Before the mentoring, new inquiries did come in, but it was more like a coincidence rather than the result of predictable marketing measures. I had hardly conducted any marketing up to that point and was therefore almost invisible.

The coaching provided me with a clearer roadmap for marketing. And in project management, I now have a better structure and know how to attract, onboard and collaborate better with my clients.

Through my marketing activities on social media, I now have made new contacts, and in my circle, I can feel that I am being noticed more. I am still taking it slow, but I already notice the difference in my visibility. And now, I only need to continue increasing it.

Also, the Notion templates provided by Matthias, such as the CRM system, were excellent!

In new projects, I now communicate through Basecamp, which has been well-received so far. It facilitates communication and brings more clarity to the process.

Depending on where a person is in their self-employment journey, I can recommend this coaching. I believe that especially for individuals who haven't been freelancing for long and lack some structure, the coaching can be super helpful, especially when it comes to fundamental aspects like self-promotion and transparent project management.”

— Julian Pfaller
Brand & Web Designer

How to get started.

1. Sign up

Join the waitlist, to get notified about when the program will start and to get in touch with me.

2. Meet with me

We will schedule a call to talk about your goals and whether this program is right for you.

3. Grow your business

Work through problems, eliminate stress, and learn how to grow a sustainable business that works for you

Design a business that serves you.

Build a stress-free, full-time web design business working with dream clients on projects you enjoy.